How Elizabeth became fatherless _____ Emails 1 ____ Emails 2


From: "Mark Sullivan" <>
To: <anorejko@SFFNY.ORG>
Subject: Fw: Elizabeth's birthday
Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2011 11:23 AM

Yes I did not state my sister would was inferred.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Sullivan
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 4:13 PM
To: Amanda Norejko
Subject: Re: Elizabeth's birthday

I am in contact with my sister and will have info in the coming week... it
would seem sat and sunday Oct 22, Oct 23 would work best... I will keep you
and Attorney Chacker updated.

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Norejko
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 3:55 PM
To: Mark Sullivan
Cc: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Re: Elizabeth's birthday

Mr. Sullivan, who is the proposed supervisor for this visit?

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 9, 2011, at 12:31 PM, "Mark Sullivan"
<> wrote:

> Attorneys.
> With this email I am submitting in writing that Friday Oct 21, 2011 the
> 7th birthday of Elizabeth Sullivan, my biological child I wish to
> celebrate this day with her.
> As it is a school day I propose to meet her after school and than return
> her to the 62nd precinct, here in Brooklyn at a time convenient for the
> mother to come get her.
> Due to the on going litigation which the mother has pursued and both
> Attorneys have equally supported and perhaps encouraged, Elizabeth while
> having a fit father has been deprived of this same father being present at
> these most important of days, ( birthdays, holidays) in a child's life. I
> believe all parties, the courts and public would concur that this is a
> reasonable position and furthermore that a reasonable custodial parent
> would take the needed steps to see to it that this plan is realized.
> As Attorneys and legal advisors, you are clearly aware of the legal
> foundations this request is based upon and as to the likely views of any
> courts, should the mother unreasonably withhold and not actively seek to
> foster the relationship of father and daughter and upon so important a day
> as this. I trust you as members of the bar will as always see to it that
> these issues are addressed and I look forward to your cooperation in this
> matter.
> Mark Sullivan
> 1733 78th street. 1F
> Brooklyn, NY 11214
> cell 646-206-5872


From: "Mark Sullivan" <>
To: "Amanda Norejko" <anorejko@SFFNY.ORG>
Subject: Re: final schedule
Date: Saturday, October 22, 2011 8:50 AM

Your client as do all parties legally have 20 days to vet a person.. Ms
Fenyes was submitted months ago. Your client is obstructing the orders of
the courts. Must I file charges?

-----Original Message-----
From: Amanda Norejko
Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2011 7:05 AM
To: Mark Sullivan
Subject: Re: final schedule

My client has not agreed to Helen Fenyes yet. I am sorry if I gave that

Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 22, 2011, at 12:17 AM, "Mark Sullivan"
<> wrote:

> Please help me to determine if your client is in contempt of court orders.
> I have provided an adult to supervise visits which all parties have agreed
> to.
> You and your client have failed to provide a written supportable reason to
> deny this court ordered visitation.
> Furthermore your client is neglectful and regularly abandons our child in
> the care of paid providers. This constitutes managed care and in no way
> can be seen as loving parental care.
> By the ongoing years long acclimating of our child to being managed for
> money, Elizabeth's sense of self and growth and development is damaged.
> Your client is not acting as a loving parent that spends time with her
> child but rather as a court appointed guardian to what one could construe
> as a legally incompetent person.
> The actual and demonstrated actions of a loving parent are not
> demonstrated by your client and her self centered needs far outweigh her
> custodial duties to foster a healthy on going frequent and regular
> relationship with Elizabeth's father.
> Elizabeth is held captive and impoverished by lack of parental love,
> attention and concern, deprived of a father who professionals have noted
> the child is bonded to and a father who is loving, creative, able to
> encourage and supportive of Elizabeth's growth and spiritual development.
> Furthermore it is stated by these same professionals that the mother is
> exhibiting alienating behavior and recommend more contact and time between
> father and child.
> Considering the facts that I made this request wed night, I have yet to
> celebrate a birthday with my biological child since your organizations
> commencement of litigation and the 5 plus years of a simple civil suit
> raises many questions.
> Mark Sullivan
> -----Original Message----- From: Amanda Norejko
> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 11:09 PM
> To: Mark Sullivan
> Subject: Re: final schedule
> I am sorry to say that my client does not consent to the visit this
> weekend.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Oct 21, 2011, at 5:52 PM, "Mark Sullivan"
> <> wrote:
>> Has your client agreed to Sundays plans
>> -----Original Message----- From: Amanda Norejko
>> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 5:49 PM
>> To: Mark Sullivan
>> Cc:
>> Subject: RE: final schedule
>> My client indicated that she called New York Peace Institute and was told
>> that they would not accept cases for mediation where there is an order of
>> protection in place. As you have a final order of protection against you
>> that will be valid for a number of years, it does not appear that this is
>> an option. Ms. Wilson can advise me if my client was misinformed.
>> Amanda Norejko
>> Matrimonial/Economic Justice Project Director
>> Victoria J. Mastrobuono Economic Justice Fellow
>> Center for Battered Women's Legal Services
>> Sanctuary for Families
>> 110 Wall Street, 11th Floor
>> New York, NY 10005
>> 212-349-6009 ext. 257
>> Fax: 212-566-0344
>> This message contains confidential information and is intended only for
>> the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not
>> disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender
>> immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and
>> delete this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be
>> guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be
>> intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or
>> contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any
>> errors or omissions in the contents of this message which arise as a
>> result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request
>> a hard-copy version. This message is provided for informational purposes
>> and should not be construed as legal advice or opinion.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Sullivan []
>> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 4:32 PM
>> To: Amanda Norejko
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: final schedule
>> Attorney Norejko
>> I have spoken with Ms Renee Wilson of the New York Peace Institute and am
>> CCing her in this email.
>> To move forward she needs to speak with Ms Xu.
>> I am directing her to you as you have this information.
>> It is hoped that many issues can be resolved in this case which has
>> celebrated it's 5th anniversary just this past Sept.
>> Mark Sullivan
>> -----Original Message----- From: Amanda Norejko
>> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 12:12 PM
>> To: Mark Sullivan ; Hilarie Chacker
>> Subject: RE: final schedule
>> Please let me reiterate that I cannot make decisions for my client. It is
>> her decision and I have forwarded your emails to her for her
>> consideration.
>> I am very sorry that my question about whether Sunday was a possibility
>> was
>> premature as I did not realize that my client was unavailable for the
>> entire
>> weekend when I sent it. She advised me that she was not available, but I
>> misunderstood and thought there might be a possibility that she was
>> talking
>> just about Saturday. It was my mistake. I apologize profusely to both of
>> you and to her. She is going to see if she can change her arrangement
>> for
>> Sunday but I will not know anything until this evening.
>> I am unable to continue being the intermediary for purposes of arranging
>> these visits, so I will request that some other means be used after this
>> weekend.
>> Amanda Norejko
>> Matrimonial/Economic Justice Project Director
>> Victoria J. Mastrobuono Economic Justice Fellow
>> Center for Battered Women's Legal Services
>> Sanctuary for Families
>> 110 Wall Street, 11th Floor
>> New York, NY 10005
>> 212-349-6009 ext. 257
>> Fax: 212-566-0344
>> This message contains confidential information and is intended only for
>> the
>> individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not
>> disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender
>> immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and
>> delete
>> this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to
>> be
>> secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted,
>> lost,
>> destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender
>> therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the
>> contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission.
>> If
>> verification is required please request a hard-copy version. This message
>> is
>> provided for informational purposes and should not be construed as legal
>> advice or opinion.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Mark Sullivan []
>> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 10:13 AM
>> To: Hilarie Chacker
>> Cc: Amanda Norejko
>> Subject: Re: final schedule
>> Attorneys
>> I have submitted Ms Helen Fenyes which all parties agree to. I have
>> submitted a plan to meet my daughter Elizabeth with Helen at 1 PM this
>> Sunday at Bryant park and return to the Park at 5PM.
>> I have outlined that we would have cake, celebrate at the Park and one of
>> my
>> presents to Elizabeth would be the experience of building a bear at build
>> a
>> bear on 5th Ave. and 46th street.
>> This is a reasonable plan and outing. Ms Xu to my knowledge has not been
>> inform of this plan which was submitted to both of you wed.
>> Mark Sullivan
>> -----Original Message----- From: Hilarie Chacker
>> Sent: Friday, October 21, 2011 9:02 AM
>> To: '' ; 'anorejko@SFFNY.ORG'
>> Subject: Re: final schedule
>> Counsel and Mr. Sullivan,
>> I will reiterate my earlier statement that if the parties cannot agree
>> upon
>> a plan for supervised visitation, I will file papers seeking the
>> assistance
>> of the court.
>> Hilarie Chacker, Esq.
>> Co-Director, Brooklyn Office
>> The Children's Law Center
>> 44 Court Street, 11th Floor
>> Brooklyn, NY 11201
>> Telephone: (718) 522-3333 ext. 142
>> Fax: ( 718) 522-7376
>> Email:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: Mark Sullivan <>
>> To: Amanda Norejko <anorejko@SFFNY.ORG>
>> Cc: Hilarie Chacker; Alison <>
>> Sent: Thu Oct 20 18:58:38 2011
>> Subject: Re: final schedule
>> You have installed an order of protection which prohibits me or a third
>> party from contacting her. Should I ask a third party to contact her I
>> will
>> be in violation of these orders.
>> As her Attorney I am asking that you inform her of her legal obligations.
>> At
>> this time all parities have agreed to Ms Fenyes.
>> Your suggestion of an alternative party is acceptable to me for later
>> visits
>> but as Elizabeth’s birthday is tomorrow and Sunday
>> so close by I am simply asking for your help to make a young
>> child’s
>> memories become a reality.
>> Mark Sullivan
>> From: Amanda Norejko <mailto:anorejko@SFFNY.ORG>
>> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:47 PM
>> To: Mark Sullivan <>
>> Cc:
>> Subject: RE: final schedule
>> Mr. Sullivan, I asked if Sunday was an option for you. I am sorry if my
>> message led you to believe that my client had already consented to
>> Sunday.
>> I only knew that her response to your prior email about Saturday was that
>> she had a conflict because of plans for Elizabeth’s birthday
>> celebration, so
>> I tried to find out from both of your if Sunday would work.
>> I cannot be the go-between for the two of you forever since there is no
>> open
>> case at this time regarding visitation. I am going to suggest to my
>> client
>> and to you that you both find some alternate intermediary to work out the
>> visitation details as I am an attorney and not a scheduling receptionist
>> for
>> either of you.
>> Amanda Norejko
>> Matrimonial/Economic Justice Project Director
>> Victoria J. Mastrobuono Economic Justice Fellow
>> Center for Battered Women's Legal Services
>> Sanctuary for Families
>> 110 Wall Street, 11th Floor
>> New York, NY 10005
>> 212-349-6009 ext. 257
>> Fax: 212-566-0344
>> This message contains confidential information and is intended only for
>> the
>> individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not
>> disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender
>> immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and
>> delete
>> this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to
>> be
>> secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted,
>> lost,
>> destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender
>> therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the
>> contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission.
>> If
>> verification is required please request a hard-copy version. This message
>> is
>> provided for informational purposes and should not be construed as legal
>> advice or opinion.
>> From: Mark Sullivan []
>> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:40 PM
>> To: Amanda Norejko
>> Subject: Re: final schedule
>> At our last communication, I was informed sat was a party and Sunday with
>> me
>> would be best. I have submitted times and place for Sunday.
>> Has your client reviewed the report by Ms Young?
>> This is a very simple matter and the focus is rightly on a child , our
>> child
>> who is now 7 years old at this age memories are for a life time and
>> Elizabeth spending the afternoon with her father building a bear is an
>> experience I am sure she will hold for a life time.
>> Surely you or your client would not deny a child such love and memories?
>> Mark Sullivan
>> From: Amanda Norejko <mailto:anorejko@SFFNY.ORG>
>> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:31 PM
>> To: Mark Sullivan <>
>> Cc:
>> Subject: RE: final schedule
>> I received your latest message and passed it on to my client. This
>> arrangement is not my decision to make. It is not my weekend schedule
>> that
>> is at issue. It is the decision of my client and her plans for
>> Elizabeth’s
>> birthday, and I do not have an agreement from her yet.
>> Amanda Norejko
>> Matrimonial/Economic Justice Project Director
>> Victoria J. Mastrobuono Economic Justice Fellow
>> Center for Battered Women's Legal Services
>> Sanctuary for Families
>> 110 Wall Street, 11th Floor
>> New York, NY 10005
>> 212-349-6009 ext. 257
>> Fax: 212-566-0344
>> This message contains confidential information and is intended only for
>> the
>> individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not
>> disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. Please notify the sender
>> immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and
>> delete
>> this e-mail from your system. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to
>> be
>> secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted,
>> lost,
>> destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender
>> therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the
>> contents of this message which arise as a result of e-mail transmission.
>> If
>> verification is required please request a hard-copy version. This message
>> is
>> provided for informational purposes and should not be construed as legal
>> advice or opinion.
>> From: Mark Sullivan []
>> Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2011 6:29 PM
>> To: Amanda Norejko
>> Cc:
>> Subject: final schedule
>> Importance: High
>> Attorneys
>> It is now Thursday evening and I have had no response to the up coming
>> Sunday visit time and celebration with my daughter Elizabeth.
>> Is there a problem?
>> I noted you both received and acknowledged my email last evening.
>> Mark Sullivan


Dear ACS,
No I have not. I have no friends and only former relatives, who do not speak English in China. I have been informed that this documentation to be effective should come through official channels back to the states where I can obtain it.

Could you guide me in how to go about this?
Thank You
Sent: Thursday, February 28, 2013 11:25 PM
Subject: RE: Shenzhen, China public security bureau report request

Dear Mark:


Have you received a response to your query below? 


Best Regards

American Citizen Services




This email is UNCLASSIFIED.


From: Mark Sullivan [] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:03 AM
To: Guangzhou, ACS
Cc: Kerr, Walter A; Jessica Wett
Subject: Re: Shenzhen, China public security bureau report request


Dear ACS,


below is the info provided in the link. I have CC’ed my congressman’s staff member and Mr Kerr former vice-council.


This correspondence began Jan 4, 2013. I am having difficulty in securing these documents. I do not know if it has to do with the type of visa under which I was in the country or other reasons.


Would you be so kind as to direct me to an official here in the states who can determine this and provide me with the needed info to resolve this? Luckily I live Brooklyn, NY as there maybe offices where I can appear in person.


Thank you.

Mark Sullivan

Police Records

Generally available, reliable. Persons should apply for a certificate of no criminal record at the local Public Security Bureau (PSB) (or certain types of employers such as state owned enterprises), then make application to the notary office for a certificate based on the PSB document. Persons without a criminal record will be able to obtain a certificate to that effect. Certificates for individuals with one or more criminal convictions will list all convictions for which records still exist. The certificates purport to reflect all criminal convictions during residence in China. Police records are generally not available for the period prior to 1949. Certificates are available for those in the J-1, Z, and X categories. The GOC does not issue police records for temporary residents of China in L or F visa categories.

Police records also are not available for those who were in China in diplomatic status including those working for international organizations such as the United Nations. Notarial police certificates are based in part upon records from an individual's employer. If an employer refuses to release records, the notarial office is not able to issue a certificate. This is the case for persons sent abroad for education by the Chinese Government who fail to return to China.

According to a 1957 state council ruling that is still in force, the imposition of a re-education through labor (Lao Dong Jiao Yu) term does not result from a criminal conviction. Administrative organs, rather than courts, impose re-education through labor. It is important to distinguish re-education through labor from labor reform (Lao Dong Gai Zao), which is a sentence meted out for criminal offenses.


Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2013 10:07 PM

Subject: RE: Shenzhen, China public security bureau report request


Mr. Sullivan,


The American Citizen Services section in Guangzhou is in receipt of your email.  I am attaching to this email information on how to obtain a certificate of no criminal record.  Please see the instructions under “Police Records”.  The Consulate cannot directly assist you in applying for this certificate, but you should be able to obtain one if you have lived in China previously.


You asked in your email about getting documentation regarding your child’s birth.  Have you applied for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a American Citizen?  You could also contact the hospital where you child was born regarding getting records about your child’s birth. 


Please let me know if we can be of additional assistance to you.


Best regards,

Chris Romans



Christopher D. Romans

Vice Consul

American Citizen Services

U.S. Consulate General Guangzhou

5/F Tian Yu Garden, Phase II

136-142 Lin He Zhong Lu, Tianhe District Guangzhou, China

Tel:  (86-20) 8518-7605  Fax:  (86-20) 3884-4410






This email is UNCLASSIFIED.


From: Mark Sullivan [] 
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 3:46 AM
To: Kerr, Walter A; Guangzhou, ACS
Cc: Clorinda Annarummo
Subject: Re: Shenzhen, China public security bureau report request


Thank you Mr Kerr,


I am replying to all so that they receive it and thank you for the contact info I look forward to hearing from them.

The times I was there in person,GZ embassy, they were very helpful and  took a great interest in Elizabeth. It really was like being back home when you crossed the gates there.


Best wishes with your new post.



Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 1:21 PM

Subject: RE: Shenzhen, China public security bureau report request


Mr. Sullivan:  I am resending with the correct Guangzhou ACS email address; it appears that on the email I just sent (and the original email you sent me) the Guangzhou ACS email address was mistyped.


Best regards,






This email is UNCLASSIFIED.


From: Kerr, Walter A 
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 4:20 PM
To: 'Mark Sullivan';
Cc: Clorinda Annarummo
Subject: RE: Shenzhen, China public security bureau report request


Mr. Sullivan:


Thank you for writing.


I departed China and am no longer affiliated with the American Citizen Services section in Chengdu.  However, I noted that you included the email address in your email to me.  I’m glad you did so – the Guangzhou ACS section should be your point of contact on this.  I expect they will likely get in touch with you.


In the meantime, I also wanted to provide you with the Guangzhou ACS emergency telephone numbers, should any issues arise in the interim:


8518-7605, within Guangzhou
(010) 8531-4000, within China
(011-010) 8531-4000, from the U.S.


Best regards,

Walter Kerr







This email is UNCLASSIFIED.


From: Mark Sullivan [] 
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2013 3:51 PM
To:; Kerr, Walter A
Cc: Clorinda Annarummo
Subject: Shenzhen, China public security bureau report request
Importance: High


Dear ACS and Vice Consul Mr Kerr;

I am writing to request and follow up, requests by my Congressman Michael Grimm, New York State.

7308 13th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11228
Phone: 718-630-5277
Fax: 718-630-5388

During the period of time from September of 2002 until my final departure with my than wife Ms Binong Xu and our biological daughter, (born in Shenzhen, China Oct 21, 2004) in August 2005 we resided at.

Address in Shenzhen, China


1003, 3rd Yun Building Biyuntian Meilin Rd

Shenzhen, China Guangdong Province 518049


1003, 3rd Yun Bldg.


Street 2    Biyuntian Meilin Rd., Shenzhen

Street 3    



Zip/Postal Code    

Country    United States  


Foreign City    Guangdong Province 518049


Shortly before our daughters birth we moved to an apartment kitty corner to the Shenzhen Peking University Hospital where Elizabeth was born on October, 21, 2004, the address I am unable to locate.


I had contacted the American citizen services on two occasions, once in November 2002 regarding the theft of property and again in August 2004 regarding my than wife and I troubles in moving from the above address.

All other contacts with the embassy were visa related and I requested a congressional inquiry into Ms Xu’s visa in the summer of 2004.


Congressman Richard Neil, contact person Mr William Powers


300 State Street, Suite 200

Springfield, MA 01105

(413) 785-0325

(413) 747-0604 fax


I am now requesting a “Background Check”  (I believe is the correct term) by the Shenzhen, China public security bureau. Mr Kerr if you could direct me to a specific person / department at the Guangdong Embassy that would handle this and as I would also like to email this request to the person /department best suited in the Chinese government directly as well.


Some allegations have been made which are impacting my relationship to my daughter over the last 6 years and are false. An official record of my time in residence in China by their government and by cover of the embassy should set the record straight in short order.


As you can see from my signature below I have significant photography from my time living in China and wish to maintain above board relations with all peoples in China as my career is now connected there, yet I do need this negative mark against my character completely and thoroughly addressed.


Also could you help me to secure an official birth report / certificate?


Elizabeth Mei Xu Sullivan, DOB October 21, 2004 Shenzhen, China


Biological mother Binong Xu DOB 3/04/1070

Biological father Mark Joseph Sullivan DOB 01/18/1956


Thank You in advance for your time and attention.




Mark J. Sullivan


P.S.Mr Kerr we have in the past emailed regarding a verified threat of Elizabeth being abducted back to China, last year. I regret to inform you I have been unable to gain any court ordered protections in this matter despite intervention by the staff Attorney for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the U.S. State Dept. Any suggestions?

Mark Sullivan

Mark Joseph Sullivan Photography
Brooklyn, New York 11204
United States

Mobile: 646-206-5872

Images of China

See who we know in common

Want a signature like this?


Friday, February 01, 2013
Dear Attorney Chacker,
I am writing to inform you that your court appointed client Elizabeth Sullivan has not had weekly visits with her biological father per the last orders of Judge Henry.
At this time I am requesting you submit to both me and Attorney Joel Walter the names and contact information of three (3) suitable Social Workers who are available immediately to insure your clients rights to visitation are enforced.
I am attaching the said orders for your reference.
Mark Sullivan
CC: Attorney Joel Walter
225 Broadway Suit 905
New York, NY 10007
CC: Jessica Wett (Constituent Services Representative)
Jerrold L. Nadler
Member of Congress
8th District, New York


From: "Mark Sullivan" <>
To: <>; "Greg Roberts /" <>
Cc: "Jack Frost" <>; "Don Desroches" <>; "Greg Fischer" <>; "Joel Walter" <>; "Peter Thomas Senese" <>
Subject: [Fwd: Visitation, Mark Sullivan]
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2013 8:18 AM

Wed Feb 20,2013

Dear Attorney Simmons,

As the director of the court appointed, non-profit organization, The
Children's law Center I am writing to bring this matter to your attention.

Attached is the final court order of visitation and the last visit report.
As you can see concerns were expressed in this report of the emotional
damage Elizabeth is experiencing due to the frequent prolonged periods of no
contact with me, her biological father.

Given these facts I trust you will take immediate steps to insure your
organizations clients are not subjected to such abuse as denoted by experts
in the field.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Mark Sullivan

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Visitation, Mark Sullivan
From: "Mark Sullivan" <>
Date: Fri, February 1, 2013 9:17 am


February 01, 2013Dear Attorney Chacker,I am writing to inform you that
your court
appointed client Elizabeth Sullivan has not had weekly visits with her
biological father per the last orders of Judge Henry.At this time I am
requesting you submit to both me and Attorney Joel Walter the names and
contact information of three (3) suitable Social Workers who are available
immediately to insure your clients rights to visitation are
am attaching the said orders for your reference.Sincerely,Mark
SullivanCC: Attorney Joel Walter225 Broadway Suit 905New York, NY
Jessica Wett (Constituent Services Representative)Jerrold L.
NadlerMember of Congress8th District, New York

Mark Sullivan

Joseph Sullivan Photography
Brooklyn, New York 11204
United StatesMobile: 646-206-5872
More of my work from


June 15, 2013
FBI field office
26 Federal Plaza
New York, NY

Dear Sirs,

False allegations were leveled against me in Aug 2006, Brooklyn, NY with the 62nd prescient and the Family Court by Binong Xu, a Chinese citizen, former wife and mother of our biological daughter Elizabeth. In her sworn statements to both parties she said that while she was pregnant with our daughter I slammed her head against a wall and as a result I was arrested. Our daughter was conceived and born in China.

In Feb 2005, Binong Xu also made false claims of domestic assault to the Springfield, MA police, where upon I was arrested, arraigned the following day, where the case was dismissed. Binong Xu made no mention of the supposed arrest for assault in China.

In Aug 2008 during the protracted litigation begun in Aug 2006, I reviewed, in court, files from Massachusetts social services which stated I was found guilty of neglect to my daughter as a result of the Feb 2005 charges of domestic assault. This is the first time I became aware of such a ruling. Despite this supposed ruling just days after the dismissal, Feb 2005, I asked for family counseling when a woman visited us in my sister’s home and was told that we would be returning to China and there was no time.

In Dec 2005 Binong Xu absconded with our daughter. I had originally contacted police for missing persons and days later I was informed that they were safe in a woman’s shelter somewhere in Springfield, MA. I contacted the U.S. State Dept and the FBI prior to being informed of this by police. No charges were filed nor did the police question me.

A Ms Jackie Rappaport contacted me during this period, she worked for the Children’s Rights Council and was endeavoring to develop contact and supportative services.

In Sept 2006 I contacted the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) in Brooklyn regarding Binong Xu once again absconding with our daughter. They completed their investigation in Jan / Feb 2007 finding neither parent neglectful yet in a face to face meeting the investigator claimed Binong Xu was fearful.

Whereas Massachusetts found me guilty of neglect based upon domestic assault (DV) which was dismissed, they let our child leave not only the states jurisdiction but the country. New York State investigated and found no neglect, yet found me guilty of DV.

At trial for these charges, Brooklyn Supreme Court, Binong Xu testified that no I was never arrested in China. The court appointed law guardian, Attorney H. Chacker of The Children’s law Center, took no steps to protect her client’s civil rights at that time nor throughout the proceedings and to this date. Attorney Checker suppressed evidence of the dismissal of charges in MA, preferring to engender the impression that there was Domestic Assault in MA and that there is/was an ongoing pattern of such behavior by me. The Children’s Law Center is a registered non-profit solely funded by the New York State Unified Court System.

Binong Xu’s Attorney Norejko from the Sanctuary for Families, at that time, nor since, took no actions nor made any statement upon the record, relating to Binong Xu’s revelation of her perjury, thus violating not only my civil rights but our daughters and violating both ethical and professional standards of Attorney conduct in the State of New York and at the Federal level. At that time and going forward it is my understanding that both Attorneys met the criteria of Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 & 242, which violated my and my daughters federal civil rights.

Binong Xu has engaged in felony acts by repeatedly and in multiple jurisdictions, filing false criminal complaints, she has even eluded to international criminal behavior by me.

In March / April 2011 a creditable threat of international abduction by Binong Xu was reported to this FBI field office. In following up a case was opened at both the U.S. State Dept and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I as Pro se filed two motions with the same court seeking standard protections as outlined in both State dept and NCMEC information. On the record at the first motion the law guardian, Attorney Chacker, stated both parents fit the profile of abducting parents and offered NO recommendations. Motion was denied. At the second motion hearing with a letter of affidavit from the staff Attorney of NCMEC, it was dismissed for lack of a cause of action. The Law Guardian offered no recommendations. To this date there are no protections in place to prevent my daughter from being removed from this country back to China, a Non-Hague Signatory Country. The above false allegations in this context can be used by Binong Xu as a Hague Convention defense in removing our daughter back to China, fleeing a domestic abuser, should there even prove a need to do so as China does not subscribe to the governing laws as set out by the Hague Convention treaty.

Furthermore I have had no contact with my daughter since late June 2012, with the exception of 1 hour in Oct, despite court orders. I do not know the whereabouts of my child, nor the school she attends or any state and federal mandated information. After working with some agencies connected with ACS, to enforce visits to no avail I contacted my daughters court appointed law Guardian in Feb 2013 requesting that she provide me with the names of 3 LCSW’s to provide visitation per the order of the courts. She did not responded. I next contacted the Director, Attorney Karen Simmons, of The Children’s Law Center, she did not respond. In the past I have filed complaints against both parties. In March 2013 a non-profit org contacted Attorney Chacker on my behalf offering a number of Child Psychologists and Social Workers to provide these court ordered visits, there has been no response.

Since last fall I have attempted to obtain a “No police record” from Shenzhen, China where I resided with my former wife, Binong Xu from Sept 2002 until our final departure in Aug 2005 to no avail. This document along with others would clearly establish the facts of this matter and prove beyond doubt the criminal behavior she and others have engaged in.

Last spring a motion to include our daughter under the than ongoing order of protection was filed shortly after I had spoken with my daughters Doctor, who reviewed the visit reports which the threat of abduction were based upon. This motion was withdrawn just days before the hearing date and I was subsequently arrested for violating this order of protection due to Binong Xu  receiving an automatic email invitation to join my linkedin network.

It is most egregious that over these many years the State Funded and Court appointed Attorney for my child has engaged in malfeasance, been derelict in her fiduciary duties to my child and by extension me by her violation of a minor child’s civil rights and misrepresentation of her client. This behavior has extended to and been sanctioned by the director of this non-profit Attorney Karen Simons.

As this case involves not only interstate jurisdiction in the commission of a crime, international components, official misconduct, civil rights violations, color of law violations, kidnapping, via custodial interference and certainly other violations which are unknown to me, I am requesting an investigation by your agency and others which are appropriate. I would also ask that our daughter be produced immediately and that regular contact begun which addresses the psychological damage heaped upon this child.


Mark Sullivan

2255 60th St 2RR
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Tel: 646-206-5872


From: "Mark Sullivan" <>
To: <>
Subject: Mark Sullivan regarding Elizabeth Sullivan, per Duty Agent call
Date: Saturday, June 15, 2013 1:18 PM

Dear Duty Agent,

Attached are some relevant documents, regarding this case.

In speaking again with my sister Marilyn Sullivan Springfield, MA, she said she has had no phone contact with Elizabeth's mom or Elizabeth in close to a year and is unsure of when she has actually been in her presence. A few months ago she mentioned that our Aunt and mentioned not having heard from the mom or Elizabeth either.

The attached photos of Elizabeth are from March 2011 when I accompanied with Ms Nadine Mass, LCSW had a supervised visit in a public playground near Maiden Lane , NYC. You will note she and Ms. Ashley Young are the authors of the attached visit report.


June 15, 2013

FBI field office

26 Federal Plaza

New York, NY


Dear Sirs,


False allegations were leveled against me in Aug 2006, Brooklyn, NY with the 62nd prescient and the Family Court by Binong Xu, a Chinese citizen, former wife and mother of our biological daughter Elizabeth. In her sworn statements to both parties she said that while she was pregnant with our daughter I slammed her head against a wall and as a result I was arrested. Our daughter was conceived and born in China.


In Feb 2005, Binong Xu also made false claims of domestic assault to the Springfield, MA police, where upon I was arrested, arraigned the following day, where the case was dismissed. Binong Xu made no mention of the supposed arrest for assault in China.


In Aug 2008 during the protracted litigation begun in Aug 2006, I reviewed, in court, files from Massachusetts social services which stated I was found guilty of neglect to my daughter as a result of the Feb 2005 charges of domestic assault. This is the first time I became aware of such a ruling. Despite this supposed ruling just days after the dismissal, Feb 2005, I asked for family counseling when a woman visited us in my sister’s home and was told that we would be returning to China and there was no time.


In Dec 2005 Binong Xu absconded with our daughter. I had originally contacted police for missing persons and days later I was informed that they were safe in a woman’s shelter somewhere in Springfield, MA. I contacted the U.S. State Dept and the FBI prior to being informed of this by police. No charges were filed nor did the police question me.


A Ms Jackie Rappaport contacted me during this period, she worked for the Children’s Rights Council and was endeavoring to develop contact and supportative services.


In Sept 2006 I contacted the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) in Brooklyn regarding Binong Xu once again absconding with our daughter. They completed their investigation in Jan / Feb 2007 finding neither parent neglectful yet in a face to face meeting the investigator claimed Binong Xu was fearful.


Whereas Massachusetts found me guilty of neglect based upon domestic assault (DV) which was dismissed, they let our child leave not only the states jurisdiction but the country. New York State investigated and found no neglect, yet found me guilty of DV.


At trial for these charges, Brooklyn Supreme Court, Binong Xu testified that no I was never arrested in China. The court appointed law guardian, Attorney H. Chacker of The Children’s law Center, took no steps to protect her client’s civil rights at that time nor throughout the proceedings and to this date. Attorney Checker suppressed evidence of the dismissal of charges in MA, preferring to engender the impression that there was Domestic Assault in MA and that there is/was an ongoing pattern of such behavior by me. The Children’s Law Center is a registered non-profit solely funded by the New York State Unified Court System.


Binong Xu’s Attorney Norejko from the Sanctuary for Families, at that time, nor since, took no actions nor made any statement upon the record, relating to Binong Xu’s revelation of her perjury, thus violating not only my civil rights but our daughters and violating both ethical and professional standards of Attorney conduct in the State of New York and at the Federal level. At that time and going forward it is my understanding that both Attorneys met the criteria of Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 & 242, which violated my and my daughters federal civil rights.


Binong Xu has engaged in felony acts by repeatedly and in multiple jurisdictions, filing false criminal complaints, she has even eluded to international criminal behavior by me.


In March / April 2011 a creditable threat of international abduction by Binong Xu was reported to this FBI field office. In following up a case was opened at both the U.S. State Dept and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. I as Pro se filed two motions with the same court seeking standard protections as outlined in both State dept and NCMEC information. On the record at the first motion the law guardian, Attorney Chacker, stated both parents fit the profile of abducting parents and offered NO recommendations. Motion was denied. At the second motion hearing with a letter of affidavit from the staff Attorney of NCMEC, it was dismissed for lack of a cause of action. The Law Guardian offered no recommendations. To this date there are no protections in place to prevent my daughter from being removed from this country back to China, a Non-Hague Signatory Country. The above false allegations in this context can be used by Binong Xu as a Hague Convention defense in removing our daughter back to China, fleeing a domestic abuser, should there even prove a need to do so as China does not subscribe to the governing laws as set out by the Hague Convention treaty.


Furthermore I have had no contact with my daughter since late June 2012, with the exception of 1 hour in Oct, despite court orders. I do not know the whereabouts of my child, nor the school she attends or any state and federal mandated information. After working with some agencies connected with ACS, to enforce visits to no avail I contacted my daughters court appointed law Guardian in Feb 2013 requesting that she provide me with the names of 3 LCSW’s to provide visitation per the order of the courts. She did not responded. I next contacted the Director, Attorney Karen Simmons, of The Children’s Law Center, she did not respond. In the past I have filed complaints against both parties. In March 2013 a non-profit org contacted Attorney Chacker on my behalf offering a number of Child Psychologists and Social Workers to provide these court ordered visits, there has been no response.


Since last fall I have attempted to obtain a “No police record” from Shenzhen, China where I resided with my former wife, Binong Xu from Sept 2002 until our final departure in Aug 2005 to no avail. This document along with others would clearly establish the facts of this matter and prove beyond doubt the criminal behavior she and others have engaged in.


Last spring a motion to include our daughter under the than ongoing order of protection was filed shortly after I had spoken with my daughters Doctor, who reviewed the visit reports which the threat of abduction were based upon. This motion was withdrawn just days before the hearing date and I was subsequently arrested for violating this order of protection due to Binong Xu receiving an automatic email invitation to join my linkedin network.

It is most egregious that over these many years the State Funded and Court appointed Attorney for my child has engaged in malfeasance, been derelict in her fiduciary duties to my child and by extension me by her violation of a minor child’s civil rights and misrepresentation of her client. This behavior has extended to and been sanctioned by the director of this non-profit Attorney Karen Simons.


As this case involves not only interstate jurisdiction in the commission of a crime, international components, official misconduct, civil rights violations, color of law violations, kidnapping, via custodial interference and certainly other violations which are unknown to me, I am requesting an investigation by your agency and others which are appropriate. I would also ask that our daughter be produced immediately and that regular contact begun which addresses the psychological damage heaped upon this child.




Mark Sullivan


2255 60th St 2RR

Brooklyn, NY 11204

Tel: 646-206-5872




Mark Sullivan

Mark Joseph Sullivan Photography
Brooklyn, New York 11204
United States
Mobile: 646-206-5872

Images of China

See who we know in common Want a signature like this?


From: "Mark Sullivan" <>
To: "Amanda Norejko" <anorejko@SFFNY.ORG>
Cc: <>; "Kathy Hamilton" <>
Subject: Re: Resume visits, Mark Sullivan
Date: Monday, July 15, 2013 9:08 AM

I have met the orders of the court. This social workers falls within the guide lines of the order.

Attached please find a preliminary document.

Mark Sullivan

From: Amanda Norejko
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 8:55 AM
To: Mark Sullivan
Subject: Re: Resume visits, Mark Sullivan

My client is familiar with the NYCID facilities. She prefers to keep the visits there. If you have documentation indicating that they are unwilling or unable to take you back for more supervised visits, please provide it and I will advise my client accordingly.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 15, 2013, at 7:56 AM, "Mark Sullivan" <> wrote:

Hello All,

Erin is the director of NYCID and as there were no more time slots available visits ended. In point of fact as the director, Erin did NOT actually supervise the visits. One of four different students, not certified social workers, actually did the visits and neither Elizabeth nor myself knew which student it would be week from week. Technically I question if this was in violation of the actual court orders as written since they were not certified.

During the last 57 weeks Elizabeth has only had contact with me her biological father for 1 hour, I am perplexed that the terms stability and continuity are somehow used in this communication as it does not apply.

Please clarify is it you Attorney Norejko or Ms Xu who are implying that I or Ms Hamilton are a threat or danger to Elizabeth?

I have located a certified MSW who is available and will put this in writing to do supervised visits. She has experience in this and I will let her present her professional background. The orders of the court have been met.

All please take the time to address those issue so that visits may commence this coming week.

Thank you for your help in this.


Mark Sullivan

From: Amanda Norejko
Sent: Friday, July 12, 2013 6:47 PM
To: 'Mark Sullivan' ;
Subject: RE: Resume visits, Mark Sullivan

I have discussed this matter with Ms. Xu. She would prefer that the visits remain with Erin at NYCID since Elizabeth knows Erin and was very comfortable with her. She sees no reason to change the agreed-upon supervisor unless Erin is no longer available to supervise visits in the future. Stability and continuity of supervised visitation services as well as a known office location with the safety and security of facilities known to both Ms. Xu and Elizabeth are a priority for Ms. Xu.

Amanda Norejko

Matrimonial/Economic Justice Project Director

Victoria J. Mastrobuono Economic Justice Fellow

Center for Battered Women's Legal Services

Sanctuary for Families

110 Wall Street, 11th Floor

New York, NY 10005

212-349-6009 ext. 257

Fax: 212-566-0344

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From: Mark Sullivan []
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2013 7:35 AM
To:; Amanda Norejko
Cc: Kathy Hamilton
Subject: Resume visits, Mark Sullivan
Importance: High

Dear Attorneys, Chacker and Norejko,

Kathy Hamilton LCSW of Families Buildings Communities is available to supervise visits with my daughter Elizabeth.

As a pro se litigant in this matter I have attached the courts final orders in this matter and have CCed Ms Hamilton. At this time I would ask Ms Hamilton if she would be so kind as to submit her CV and other relevant information to you both.

Elizabeth’s last contact with me, her biological father was in Oct 2012 some 8 months ago. I direct your attention to:

“Consent to any certified social worker with prior experience conducting supervised visitation shall not be unreasonably with held.”

“If the father is able to identify a certified social worker meeting these qualifications who has stated in writing that be or she will accept the father's medical insurance and no free program is available, consent may be withheld only upon application to the court specifying the reasons that the supervisor in question is not suitable.”

I trust in your timely response to this.

Thank you in advance for your professional co-operation.


Mark Sullivan

Mark Sullivan

Mark Joseph Sullivan Photography
Brooklyn, New York 11204
United States
Mobile: 646-206-5872

Images of China

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